Friday, March 31, 2023

How to do english gematria

english gematria is a method of assigning numerical values to words and phrases, which can then be used to analyze their spiritual or esoteric meaning. This ancient practice originated in Kabbalistic tradition and has recently been adapted for modern use by numerologists and other occultists. While it can be a complicated system to learn, it is accessible for all levels of practitioners. Here is a guide on how to start using English Gematria in your own work.

1. Choose the words or phrases that you want to analyze. It could be something you heard, read, or personally choose – think of something meaningful that you want to explore further.

2. Assign each letter in the phrase its corresponding value from the English alphabetical numbering system (A = 1; B = 2; C = 3; etc). This system ascribes a number between one and nine to each letter of the alphabet (letters between I and R are skipped because they contain special characters).

3. Add together all the numbers assigned to each letter in the chosen phrase or word. The resulting sum is your gematria total for that particular phrase or word, which will have its own unique vibration and meaning associated with it.

4. Compare your gematria total with those of related terms or concepts to uncover connections between them (or maybe even differences!). Pay attention not only to numerical similarities, but also what ideas each particular number brings up for you spiritually or otherwise.

5 . Look up gematriacal meaning associated with individual words from Hebrew sources as well as from English tradition – many numerologists believe this often reveals more accurate meanings than using simple addition alone!

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